
Showing posts from May, 2020

Wot no FDK?

Writing Serverless Functions in a New Language Background Fn Project  is an open - source, Docker based, cloud native serverless platform .  You can run it in any environment that supports Docker.  Oracle Functions is based on Fn Project. If you want to have a play with Fn before reading the rest of this post, I recommend the " Quick Start " guide. One of the great strengths of Fn Project is that it is open. When other serverless platforms (that shall remain nameless) restricted you to JavaScript / Node plus maybe a couple of others, Fn offered an FDK for Ruby (for those who prefer elegance and beauty in their code). This was a major factor in me getting involved with the project, and becoming a contributor to the Ruby FDK. In addition to Ruby, Fn offers a number of other FDKs: Go, Java, Python, Node and .NET Core. But beyond that, Fn has always been open to additional language runtimes.  If your code can run in a Docker container, then (in principle) it can run as ...

The Case of the Vanishing Dockerfile

If your serverless platform is Oracle Functions or the open source  Fn Project that it is based on, you may have wondered exactly how a function image gets built for one of the standard runtimes. One clue is that if you're watching closely you may see a Dockerfile  a p pear briefly, then vanish during the build process. The Fn CLI will create the Dockerfile for the runtime, build the function and then delete it once the build has completed. You can see the steps of the docker build by running  fn build  or  fn deploy  with the  --verbose  flag specified: $ fn build --verbose [14:57:34] Building image FN_REGISTRY: Current Context: default Sending build context to Docker daemon 14.34kB Step 1/11 : FROM fnproject/fn-java-fdk-build:jdk11-1.0.108 as build-stage ---> e3c33b854f29 Step 2/11 : WORKDIR /function --->...