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As the title of my blog “Constructive Laziness” indicates, I’m a great believer in maximising the amount of work you don’t do. In fact, if you’re reading this before 8th July 2017, I’d like you to be constructively lazy now. Please scroll to the bottom of this post - the bit marked “ Actions ” - there’s a couple of things I’d like you to do before you read the rest of it. I don't practice or advocate pure laziness you understand. I don’t think I’d have survived over 20 years in IT, including a couple of startups, by being purely lazy. In fact, I enjoy working hard and I like a challenge. What I mean by “Constructive Laziness” is avoiding unnecessary work, so I can focus on the things that will deliver most value. Not in terms of money (if I was looking for the greatest financial reward for the hours worked, I’d have moved into sales a long time ago), but in terms of solving the problem. I first got paid to write code in 1989. I was working in a r...